Just a little warning to anyone who gets 'Mao too much' or indulges in other mind altering substances.

I was in a gay venue the other night when in walked an American farang and his missus (this is not in anyway going to be anti American as they could easily have been English, German etc). In tow was one Thai female and four gay boys. To say they were all loud, obnoxous and downright unpleasant would be an understatement. I heard mutterings from the Thai crowd of 'low class' and 'ting tong farang' and I had to agree. The female farang was already so drunk that she was staggering and then plonked herself on a sofa chair, legs splayed and demanding attention. Their overloud conversations included, of all subjects drugs, and where they could get them and the Thai female offered to help. The guy couldn't be bothered to get them himself and also said he didn't want to be arrested, so if they were to get anything, the female farang would have to go with the Thai girl. So chivalrous!

After about an hour and much to my relief, they had all gone (first the two women and then the guy and his gay boys) and peace prevailed. Until, that is, some of the boys from the bar appeared carrying a dishevelled looking farang woman and supporting a staggering farang man. I was, to say the least, a little concerned for the woman. She was lay on the sofa chair (legs agape again) but head thrown back, eyes wide open, fixed and glazed, mouth ajar. The boys were trying to bring her around. The farang man couldn't do anything for himself and had to be helped to stay sat upright in a chair - he would occassionally poke a finger into his missus' breast telling her to wake up!

I had a go at one of the gay boys who had been in their group demanding to know what drugs he had given her. He panicked and ran, the Thai girl could not be found and only one of the gay boys remained. I didn't want to be one of those people who sat and did nothing whilst Rome burned (or whilst the woman entered a coma or died) so I found the owner. After 30 minutes or so both the guy and the woman were in a fit enough state to be dragged and carried to a taxi to be taken back to their hotel. There was concern from the guy that his money and credit cards were missing and that they had given the Thai girl their atm number! Luckily, depending on how you see it, the Thai girl was found later passed out in another bar - although I never found out what happened to the money and cards.

I think the lesson are pretty obvious so I won't go over them, but I am amazed at just how ting tong some farangs can be![/i]