I agree too and many a weekend was a "so where will we go THIS weekend" with jaunts to just about all the party towns in spain etc and then back to work for monday ( or more than usually NOT and a weak phoned in excuse to an ever easy going boss thank god who looking back I think actually loved the fact that we were young and doing it as he I now realise did in his own youth too.

However now it's more of a hassle than an enjoyment and as you get older and you HAVE seen and done it all ( or at least a lot of it) the novelty value soon wares off and now unless there's a bit of decent time involved there, plus preferrably with long access, a nice hotel with taxis to and from the airport and speedy boarding at the gate I can rarely be arsed. Saying that my friends would still say that I'm still rarely home for long before nipping off on some other adventure so I guess there must be some life left in me yet - mind you I'm 50 next week so I guess after that it's time to cut my wrists and resign myself to sitting in a pool of my own shit and piss for the next 30 years ! lol