My first post. I have a room in Jomtien that I have stayed in maybe two nights over the last year. I have been in Thailand off and on for about10 years. My previous Thai friends are now married or otherwise busy and whilst we remain in contact I realise much has changed and I now need to get out and about and meet some new Thai guys. I know Bangkok scene somewhat but my question is where would you start to look to meet some quality Thai boys in Pattaya. Is there much left of the gay scene in Pattaya? Before I met boys at massage places and on the streets, we became close and it was mutually beneficial for them and I. I really feel like I am starting again. Hornet seems a little full on for me because I generally would rather get to know someone a little first. I speak Thai 70% so can talk to most guys who want to talk ok. Where would you suggest I go in Jomtien and Pattaya. Your experience if you have it or advice would be welcomed. Thanks for reading this.