Quote Originally Posted by Smiles View Post
I asked Pot about this word. At first he had no idea, but after some machinations around the pronunciation a light went on using a soft 'g'.
Apparently it is something to do with lady boys standing around in loud screeching conversation.
Even then he was not 100% certain that I was giving him a proper pronunciation.
Go figure.
I will try again today, perhaps on a neighbour.

Pardon my outburst in my last post. Cndmatt makes my blood boil.
I'm really not that interested in the gik wars, which is why I had not written anything along those lines.
You pronounce it more like kik than gik. I also read that Krung Thep is apparently not done. What hogwash on here, it's not only matt, but the bollocks uttered by some others too !

Krung Thep, Krung Thep, Krung Thep. Here done it three times now !

All of those years I sinned by using Krung Thep oh my..