Only trouble is you used to tell us how you used to get paid quite a lot for your work - and in Bitcoin - and what with Bitcoin ( and as you took great pleasure in telling us) rocketing in value around a year ago ( although falling back again sharply) - your "old" earned Bitcoin must have raised you a ton of money when it rocketed (assuming you cashed in (even just a few that you had left ?).

Well, unless I guess you just never actually earned that many to begin with perhaps which might explain that - mind you - even if you'd only earned say 10, 20, 30 bitcoins back then and then cashed in even a few at the top of the market where they were worth around $19000 EACH that should be making you a very well off man now I guess - as surely even if you spent a lot of them with the meteoric rise that you told us about you STILL must have done VERY VERY well out of it and surely couldn't have spent them ALL living your "just well off but not rich" lifestyle when in KK ?