Having an acknowledgement from Matt that he doesn’t pay taxes anywhere is a first – after several digs from me. Undoubtedly part of being an Entitled Millennial. His justification is going to be how much he contributes to the local economy (as if the rest of us don’t) which is “better” than paying tax. It’s exactly how Donald Trump would respond. I see the date for his triumphant return to SE Asia keeps receding into the future, although in all other respects normal service has resumed

After three failed “husbands” (pause for sniggering) you’d think he’d realise the problem may be with him but I suspect that’s too much of a stretch for our Entitled Millennial. However, the notion of seeking out multiple fucks (he’s now going to embrace polygamy he says) for someone who is, as he claims, “legally blind” is one beyond my imagination. Will he use his newly minted personal assistant to do the vetting? How will he know that the person presenting himself as a frisky 22 year old is not in fact a raddled 72 year old?

Polyamory can be tricky to manage. I recall visiting the Amer Fort in Rajasthan where the rajah maintained a number of female sexual partners in separate rooms and visited each via a common corridor so the others would not know whom he was favouring. Is Matt proposing he’ll be the pasha and the inhabitants of the other bedrooms will be available only to him? Or is he proposing that they can also play among themselves to his exclusion? Only one at a time or will all-in orgies be allowed, nay, encouraged?