Apparently when now disgraced (and ex-) Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, the retired Archbishop of Washington, DC visited seminaries the cry would go round "Hide the pretty ones". I found that out on reading an article about, basically, what did Pope Francis know and when did he know it, to paraphrase a question popular from the Nixon Watergate investigation, about gay sexual harassment in the Roman Catholic Church. For me the most interesting comment was on the lack of interest in the mainstream press for pursuing answers to that question:

Since editors no longer employ religious correspondents, and tend to be secular in their outlooks, they are happy to believe that the negative stories against the ‘progressive’ Francis are part of a right-wing conspiracy because he has said kind things about gays and divorce.

As an aside, back in January I suggested a new Twitter meme #blackfrocksmatter. I'm not sure who among our membership took me up on the suggestion but if you google it you can see others started using it a couple of months later

Perhaps now it's time for #redfrocksmatter in honour of these naughty cardinals