Thai Airways announced a slew of timetable changes yesterday, to take effect at the end of October. The corporate spin is that they are required as TG continues to wind down its commitment to its ageing 747 fleet. However they're not just aircraft changes. While there's no longer a 747 service to Munich, for example - it's been replaced by a 777 I believe - my Australian correspondent says that services between Australia and Bangkok have been slashed by almost 50% in some cases. Currently there are two 747 services between Sydney and Bangkok most days. That's being reduced to one a day. There's a 787 service daily from Brisbane. That's being reduced to 4 days a week. The two A350 daily services into Melbourne are being trimmed. The 787 service into Perth is being replaced by an older aircraft

If I fly TG I try for an A380 every time but I'll be particularly careful to check aircraft type for any future TG bookings over the next 12 months