Allow me to educate you:

Nicola is supporting the process of investigation carried out by the Civil Service Permanent Secretary who sits within the Scottish Govt but who actually reports to the UK Govt and not Nicola. In other words, the Permanent Secretary is a UK Govt plant, put in place to keep an eye on what the Scot Gov gets up to. Nicola has to support her because Nicola signed off on the new internal investigatory process in November 2017.

Alex is challenging that process (as carried out by the Civil Service Permanent Secretary and is being funded by 3500 (and rising) supporters of all Parties and none (albeit most will be Yessers and SNP supporters). The £50K target has now been met and exceeded by a further £37K

There are some very strange circumstances surrounding the complaints and how they came to be made, but the most bizarre element is to see Nicola on tv defending the confidentiality of the process when even Gordon Brown with his one good eye can see it leaked over every newspaper in the land. The Iraqi Colonel who denied on live TV there were any tanks in Baghdad when we could see them trundling along behind him had more plausibility.

Having said all that, it's very tiresome when people outside Scotland profess to know what's happening better than those of us who actually live here.

No doubt yourself and Arsepiece will wish to donate, so: