I believe I've previously made my position on Facebook clear but if not, here's a disclaimer: I despise Facebook and all its works. So you won't be surprised to find my endorsement of the comments made in yesterday's Grauniad (Oliver's favourite newspaper) about Facebook generally and its coverage of Burma in particular:

"This is the latest in a series of strategic mishaps as the social network blunders its way through the world like a giant, uncoordinated toddler that repeatedly soils its diaper and then wonders where the stench is coming from*. It enters markets with wide-eyed innocence and a mission to “build [and monetise] communities”, but ends up tripping over democracies and landing in a pile of ethnic cleansing.

"When the Guardian asked how the notoriously metrics-focused company would measure the success of the policy, the answer was characteristically mealy-mouthed: 'Our goal is to get better at identifying and removing abuses of our platform that spread hate and can contribute to offline violence or harm, so people in Myanmar can safely enjoy the benefits of connectivity.'

"When pushed again to specify how it would measure this, a spokeswoman said “that’s difficult”." Indeed

* pretty much a description of Mark Zuckerberg's face every time he appears in a public forum such as a Congressional hearing IMHO. What's wrong with him? Autism?