Quote Originally Posted by Old git View Post
' Also. this remark "Most Americans seem to prefer the PI scene - which can be done in one leg from the west coast at least.."

I love the way some people use "most" or "seem" in place of any fact - it is 3,000 miles from NYC to LA - "most" at least from the west coast. God, such pure drivel. By the way , what the hell " PI" anyway. '

Excuse me, but YOU were the one who threw a hissy fit without thinking first, and I did no more than politely put you in your place.

Look at Pattaya - American headcount 5% at best - look at Angeles - American headcount around 50% if not more..

Bit of a no brainer where you guys like to party - No?
There is no point in even discusiing most of this as your ignorance is quite clear. Just one thing - ( I now realize you are discssing the Phillipines ) although the US has returned soverignity of military bases to the PI government - Americans remain in vast numbers accross no less than 5 huge bases. Tourists???? The number one country of arrivals to PI is South Korea, second China . I try to be polite so this ends here - change your name from Old Git to Dim wit.