Quote Originally Posted by Smiles View Post
PLEASE ... No inane, useless, and childish commentary if you wouldn't mind.

Do you get these? I get them every so often. They are quite annoying and when they do happen they are quite intense for a few minutes after finishing. These headaches are rather like a very bad ice cream headache ... in about the same place (I.e. the forehead).
My sex headaches do not happen everytime. I can go for months on end without experiencing one.
Suphot gets them once in awhile as well, which makes me think they are rather universal, with few people bothering to look into possibly related medical issues. I am 70, and he is 49 and I cannot recall getting headaches when I was, let's say, in my 40's, and he was in early 30's. Related to older age?

Anyone ... anyone ... anyone?
When I read this my first thought was a blood pressure issue. Pay attention to the bottom (no pun intended) reading. Over 95 beware. Over 100, time for pills?