Quote Originally Posted by snotface View Post
A bit harsh but not a million miles from the truth. His present woes all seem to flow from his failure to keep up his visa when in Thailand. I'm not actually sure how that came about. Was there any reason for it apart from sheer laziness? As one late lamented poster used to say, he does seem to have an exaggerated sense of entitlement. Discrepancies in his reportings I put down to nothing more sinister than his generally chaotic personality. Those who maintain that he is sitting in a room somewhere making it all up really need to play a different tune. No one could keep up the level of detail of his life that Matt has done over a period of many years just as a fictional exercise. As for totally insensitive taunts that he isn't really blind - well, I'm glad it isn't me making them.

I didn't keep my immigration status up to date because there is no legal route for someone such as myself to stay in Thailand, and I decided that love trumps immigration law. Then when Kim and myself broke up, I had the dogs, plus was comfortable in Khon Kaen and knew my way around and the Thai language enough, so fuck it, I stayed. Then I met Leo, went blind, ended up being probably genuinely happier than I've ever been and same goes for Leo, and now I'm now sitting here in my parent's spare bedroom for some reason, and Leo is sitting in his village which he detests.

I don't know, bad day today...


I don't know, I think I might just say fuck it, and hop on a plane. What's the worst that can happen? $3500 lost, hang out in a cell for a couple days in Laos, break Leo's heart again, put my parent's through more stress than they deserve by asking them to pick me up again, but eh.... that's about it. There's a chance I would get through again, and everything would be fine once again.

Gottqa say though, without question I made the right decision by staying in Thailand upon going blind. My entire family was very adamant that I NEED to come back to Canada, and even Leo thought I should go back, but thank fuck I stayed. How in the hell would I have possibly learned how to be blind in this environment? I probably would be like many blind people, and not even able to cook right now, and instead stick with pre-made shit you throw in the microwave or even. If I went for a walk outside in the area I'm living, the only assistance I'm going to get is from the police because someone called the cops due to the strange guy wandering lost in the area -- you know, he might be on drugs or trying to steal, or something.

if I didn't stay in Thailand, there's no chance in hell I'd be this good at being blind right now. Leo, my dogs, and the dozens of locals in my area were instrumental in helping me get back on my feet quickly upon going blind. That level of support simply doesn't exist in Canada.