Then which customer service are we talking about?

Holiday Inn? Great, although quite ingenuine.

Sun-Shine Hostel? Great, although again quite ingenuine.

Harbour Air? Awesome all around, and can't recommend them enough.

Tim Hortons? She's a bitch.

That's sports bar I ended up? Service was great, with the lady constantly popping up by my side every time she seen me stand up to goto the bathroom. Customers couldn't have been nicer as well.

SGT Staff? I don't know, and really don't care. They let me post, and leave me alone, so I guess I like them just fine.

The local taxi service here? Great folks! They help me get around, and do deliveries for me quite often. I'm on a first name basis with several of the drivers now.

The Jehoavah's Witness that shows up every Saturday? Seems nice enough, but I'll call him a cunt anyway, simply because he packs some small kid he knows from church around with him while he preaches the gospel to strangers. Irks me he has that kid in tow, because it means I can't say what I really think of his religion.

TD Bank Staff? He's a great lady, and knows me already. She takes good care of me.

My Web Host? They're fine, although some extra English would be nice. Nonetheless, I pay, and they do their job of keeping my server online, so I'm happy with their service.

I don't know, you really have to be more specific on which customer service we're talking about here.