I remember watching "countdown 1970 s reruns " and they had a Leif Garrett singing and as i was only 8yo in 1978 i didnt know him much then but im thinking what a spunk,i wondered what happened to him.
Photos of him now are no longer look like him.
News from www.news.com.au to70s idol out of jail
From: Agence France-Presse
January 21, 2006

FORMER US teen idol Leif Garrett has been released from jail following his arrest on heroin possession charges after he agreed to enter a court-ordered rehabilitation program.

The 44-year-old actor and singer on Wednesday pleaded not guilty to heroin possession and fare evasion after being arrested last Saturday in a Los Angeles underground railway station, allegedly under the influence of a drug.
Garrett has been detained without bail for six days following his arrest in downtown Los Angeles.

Garrett, whose musical and acting career peaked in the 1970s, has a history of drug-related problems.