Yeah, that was an option I thought of. Then I thought maybe they recorded my visit to the passport office, so if I show up tomorrow with a damaged passport, it's going to look pretty suspicious.

Then I thought, denying a Canadian citizen a passport is possible, but VERY difficult. From my understanding, it has to go through the courts and a federal judge has to agree to it. That means immigration Canada needs something like evidence that I'm an Islamic funadamentalist who plans to travel to Syria and join ISIS, or similar. I highly doubt having a "blind moment", and accidentally spilling a mug of hot coffee on my open passport will be enough for a judge to deny me the right to a passport.

I don't like to take chances though, so my crazy idea which both my parents and Leo think is ludicrous is... There's a couple small colleges about a 20 minute drive away, so I'm sure over the internet I can find a couple young, money hungry students to play actresses for an hour. Meet one of them at a coffee shop to "help" me fill out the visitor VISA application for Laos. Then the other girl will "stumble" and "accidentally" knock over a cup of coffee into my open passport. Then we call the police, and get an official police report stating that the ditzy blond damaged my passport, not me.

That way, even if I end up with an asshole for a senior immigration official when I hand over my damaged passport, I'll have a police report with me saying it wasn't my fault. From there, he'll most likely just push the application through, and won't even bother trying to push it to the courts to try and deny me a passport, because he knows full well the judge won't side with him.

Sounds crazy, but I bet it would work. I don't know, these stupid fucken laws and regulations can fuck off. All I know is Leo isn't willing to give up, so neither am I, and one way or another, we're getting back together.