Quote Originally Posted by samebb View Post
No that wasn't the case.

I can tell you the names of everyone staying in the 3 rooms at cocka2 bar for the last 3 months. I just got home from there!!

There are NOOOOOOO cambodian freelancanlers at Cocka2 Bar.
I am there most nights. Come ask, WHERE IS SAM

I will put you in your place. Or the thai boys will when you call them Cambodian. UP TO YOU FOOL!

See you soon at cocka2

Might be best if you just stay away. Just don't identify yourself to me. Good luck.

I have no idea what you are talking about. For the purpose of providing information to readers here, i have bought drinks for 2 different boys at the bar, both identifying as Cambodian. I went upstairs to a room with one of them. The room had some mats on the floor, and one raised bed. The toilet and shower were in separate cubicles.

Perhaps I was in a bar next to Cocka2 and the bar sign was misplaced.