Quote Originally Posted by cdnmatt View Post
Well, my last travel was Bangkok -> South Korea -> Vancouver.

First leg was great with a nice beef curry. I was in jail for the few days proceeding that though, so no wonder it tasted good.

Second leg to Vancouver sucked. The stewardess came over, and proceeded to tell me she can't serve me food because I'm an "exported criminal", hence can't be trusted with utensils. She tried to come up with a solution and said she was thinking of a coriander rice they have, but then asked me, "but what do you eat rice with?". I confusingly answered, "I don't know, a spoon?" to which she said, "yeah, see, I can't give you a spoon". I was pissed.
Did this really happened?
What Airline was this?
What did you eat in the end?