Quote Originally Posted by cdnmatt View Post
Geez, only 3 years of residency, and you can apply for citizenship? That's quick! Not saying it's right or wrong, as I have no clue about US immigration law, but that is quick compared to most other Western nations. For example, I know if we were to start the process today, it would take a good 10 years before Leo had a Canada passport in his hands, and it'd require us to live in Canada about 6 of those years.

Anyway, all the best to the two of you, and hope Trump doesn't fuck everything up for you guys due to the immigration reform being currently debated.
I could be wrong on the number of years. My spouse is managing the visa/citizenship process.
And yes the liar in chief of the USA and his cronies could change the US immigration rules and change our plans. As I have stated, when I retire - I go back and forth about living in SE Asian or someplace else.