If you meet the Thais requirements for permanent residence, for retirement or investment, then get of your asses and get legal.

The requirements are fair. The Thais don't want a country full of permanent cheapo sex tourists. living on the smell of an oil rag.

What other country would allow these people to go back and forth across the border every month and stay forever.

I introduced a straight friend of mine to Thailand last year and took him to the disco at the Novotel in Siam. The place was busting at the seams with Russian whores. My friend brought one back. She told us that she lived in one room with 6 other girls and was protected by a Thai pimp. The pimp had a bus which he regularly packed with 40 girls who were driven to Malaysia and back on a visa run. A round trip journey of 36 hours.

Its shit like this the Thais want to stop. Wake up and understand there is a proper way for everything. If you meet the requirements then get legal. If you don't then fuck of back to your own country.