Another excellent restaurant review, snotface, the topic heading of which had me intrigued.

But you may have just answered the long standing and usually unanswerable question; who ate all the pies? I didn’t have you marked down as a pie-eater, more of a slim-Jim, for some unexplainable reason.

When back in the UK, I have been known to eat the occasional chicken and ham pie, but don’t think I’ve ever eaten a pie in Thailand. Out here, I am too conscious of my need to keep my ever expanding waistline under some sort of control and not to surrender to my food cravings.

Quote Originally Posted by arsenal View Post
Super Dooper post Mr S. Face. Now the whole board is hungry and wants to eat a pie and not just any pie but one like you've described.
Mmmmm . . . right now a chicken and ham pie sounds very appetising. Alas, arsenal, what my body wants and what it gets is rarely the same thing. Sadly, it’s a simple salad for me tonight.