That was already revealed I thought ? you're not keeping up SG - was it not Whitemouse ?

PS would you and Arsenal ever stop doing that stupid "if you want me to go I'll go just say" - "well if you want to go just go" dance - it's debiliating ( and as boring as fuck the pair of you) to say the least - so can we just assume that short of you doing something radical to piss off the Mods / Moses ( granted not hard to do sometimes - but short of that can we all just assume you're going no where (thankfully) and likewise can we assume that short of SG doing the above and or Aresnal you having a fit over something / nothing ( again not hard to imagine either) can we assume you'll not pressing any collective buttons either - and then we maybe (all) can just get on with posting together and having a bit of a laugh, which SHOULD be what we're all here for at the end of the day as life really is too short to the ( you go / no you push me) game to be played out over extended periods - hopefully anyway.

Right so now that's said and to keep things on track if anyone has any right to feel aggrieved about a World Cup results it's us Northern Irelander's as I see the Romanian referee who awarded the penalty against NI in their final play off game with Switzerland which put us out of the World Cup ( after a blinding row of games which got us there in the first place) has now admitted that he made a mistake and he should never have awarded the penalty ! Bastard ! If he lived a bit closer we'd be sending the boys round to put his windows in right now ! So, when it comes to world cup huffing I think today "I" win !