Quote Originally Posted by cdnmatt View Post
Yeah, but people have been saying that for 8 years, and it just doesn't hold up. Same as I have a neighbor who lives across the street from Canada. Well, his wife and kid live across the street, he just shows up for about 6 weeks every year. He loves the financial markets, and keeps sending me these doom and gloom articles about bitcoin, but they just don't hold any water.

It's been 8 years of false predictions, so at some point, people are just going to have to accept the fact hthere's a new and more modern way to conduct financial transactions. It's obviously working, and working well.

Is bitcoin due for a price correction? I personally think so, but I was just recently proven quite wrong, so so much for predictions. I was personally freaking out when it hit 360,000 baht, and it now seems to be holding steady at around 520,000, so obviously I was wrong.

I can easily see a price correction in the future, but bitcoin isn't going anywhere, nor is it going to drop back down to like 2000 baht again. I know many like to compare it to tulip mania, but that's simply not accurate. That's dismissing the literally millions of man hours and countless amounts of money that have went into turning bitcoin into what it is today. It's here to stay.
I know scotty disapproves asking for Matt's medical records; I certainly don't need his psychiatric records