Quote Originally Posted by latintopxxx View Post
matty...to date I've rather enjoyed your posts...must admit im not totally certain about some details..u look far too young to be able to support yourself and someone else and 2 kids in Thailand..sure we have all heard of clever people who somehow are able to earn a decent living working remotely from home...but in my VAST experience almost all have to touch base in person with the real world..as in report in person to an office for a few days a week and /or actually meet with clients....something u somehow do not seem to have to do.
Ive met proof readers, book critics and even someone who re-marked university exam papers (so student would contest mark given for a paper and it would be rechecked) ...but all of these people would have to actually meet with their employers or clients at least once/quarter.

As for leo...what r u worried about?? That I'll entice him away...relax if he supposedly loves and adores u then what do u have to fear...remember the more u hold onto someone the more they will try to flee...let him fuck around..its healthy.
And Im still waiting for the pic I requested...and no photo shopping please...

Whatcha talkin about?

I actually have a client / partner from Taiwan coming to meet me shortly. I have nice clotes already, and Leo has an extra 6000 baht in his wallet to get himself some nice clothes and cologne.

And you're forgetting, it's 2017, not 1970. Times are different, and no problem to earn a good living remotely if you know what you're doing.

Oh, and want to know when I made the most money? Back when I was 20, I was bringing in about $35,000 USD/month and had 5 full-time employees. I'm far poorer than that now, but we're just fine. Who knows, maybe I'll get to be rich again in my life, I don't know yet. I do know the online software industry moves at ligehtening speed, so it's possible if I conjure up the energy and ambition to actually do it.