Firstly, an admission - it's Monday and I always treat myself to a bottle of wine out of my dole money (6 euro), which explains why I'm flooding the board. If it's too much, I apologise, but I hope there's something of interest for someone.

So my serious question relates to the guy from Si Saket who I met on mys first trip. It seemed we'd agreed to go to Bangkok for a couple of days so I could see his parents again. I duly booked hotel rooms at the Malaysia.

I haven't heard from him for a week, despite constant messages on Facebook, which is the only way I have of communicating with him. I admit I'm not very experienced in dealing with Thai boys or men.

Those of you who have more experience - should I be worried and cancel the hotel booking (it's 2 months away, so it's not critical). Or should I just relax about the whole thing?

I know, I spend too much time on my own.You guys are the only ones I can have these conversations with (god, that sounds pathetic, but it's true)