Quote Originally Posted by Moses View Post
No. It is sub-forum what is invisible for searchengines and to visitors without login. Moving to there is permanent. May be I will change name soon to "Trash can" or to "Serpentarium".
No please DON'T do that. Name it Flaming Forum. One side effect of the flaming forum previously was that it DID attract big numbers, some of those 'numbers' did then check out and post on the main forum, it actually helped overall to get momentum going. Some who said they hated the infighting still went there to 'look' like the proverbial train crash scene where many don't really want to look, but do anyway. The thing is, they had no comeback to complain about anything there as they knew they would be told...well don't click-on! But they still looked!

If it attracts traffic for whatever reason that can't really be bad can it?