OMFG - I come back from work and this is still going on to any extent?

Now the dust has at least partially settled, it's clear our esteemed moderators either have no moderation policies to follow or if they have such policies then they don't all interpret them the same way.

Whilst a447 and Christian are both reasonable, Head Judge Len makes it up as he goes along and when caught out doing so, he cannot take any criticism at all and lashes out like a petulant child - which is a bit of a handicap when your "job" relies on you being seen as even-handed and reasonable.

Hopefully they can now all agree amongst themselves that the libelous content posted about Newalaan should have been deleted/moved immediately it was spotted. Even though Newalaan and I do not see eye to eye (understatement), I still do not like to see that sort of shit thrown around.

Instead of that happening it was still there when I originally responded to this thread (if it hadn't still been there, I wouldn't have known what SameBB had said, would I?)