What do you do to kill the time when missing loved ones? I don't know why, but this time I've missed him like crazy. He's on a bus right now, and should be here within hours. His father was hospitalized, so had to make a trip back to Laos to take care of him. This trip was longer than usual though, and I think it's been 10 days or so.

Can't wait for him to get back.

I would go buy him some flowers and shrimp, but I'm fucken blind now, so I'm sure I'd just get lost. Then a bunch of random strangers would get all worried about me, and help me get home. Then I'd just end up back here without either, shrimp or flowers, so fuck it, I won't even bother trying.

I do have some chicken stir-fry at the ready though.

Missing loved ones sucks, doesn't it? Helps remind you how important they are though, I guess.