Quote Originally Posted by colmx View Post
........ most new Irish infections are coming from people who were born in Latin America. And they are overtaking the native Irish HIV population
.......Not a Dig at LatinTop... Just stating a fact!)
But if Carlsberg were digs then THAT would be a cracker :-)

"this leads to people buying it online and taking it without proper medical supervision".

And you're right about that too as already my friend who hasn't even received his in the post yet ( as he's buying it) is already talking about "well sure it means if I don't use a condom on the odd occasion" ( that was a NEVER broken rule before for him) and "ack well sure if I feel sick I'll only take it when I'm going away to Asia and for weekends and stuff" ( it SO doesn't work that way, even I know that and it must be taken religiously ( and I don't mean by priests there......although that probably be a fairly high risk group these days anyway)....so yes, without supervision and the proper education of it's requirements, definitely not a good thing.