Quote Originally Posted by francois View Post
Just joking, we all know that Americans and Canadians(except Quebecois) don't have accents, it is just the rest of the world who speak English.
Not funny Francois! And you're "just joking" part is disingenuousness personified. I see right through your racism.
Have you never heard of a Canadian endangered species named 'Newfies'. Apparently the ocean will soon cover the small rock they live on. Trump doesn't believe it, but who's he?
Quebecois are 100% incomprehensible even in Paris and thus becoming so shy they will not speak a word to english-speakers unless they are picking apples in the Okanagan ... we 'real' Canadians call that "getting to the core of things".
In Tuktoyuktuk the natives there say "oi" a lot, instead of the proper pronunciation "eh" which all real hockey players say.
I could go on, but I hope you get the point and cease berating Canucks just to get a few cheap laffs.