Well, since the guy who obviously can't read, since he keeps asking the same question after receiving tons of helpful replies, I'll reply...

Yeah, I have to experience this every month for about a week, but I'm getting used to it now. My guy just went back to Laos on the 16th due to my persistence. He VISA didn't expire until the 20th, but he came into my room Friday morning, and I convinced him to go back that morning. Go back today, or go back in 4 days, you have to go back, so might as well go enjoy the weekend with your friends instead of hanging out with the boring blind guy.

After you're so used to being together, it sucks being alone. I don't eat, don't shower everyday, and just don't care as much. When together, I shower once or twice everyday, because when he hears the shower turn on, he always magically shows up in the shower with me, so that's always a nice incentive. Plus I'm always in the kitchen every night cooking up kickass dinners, because I love to cook, but it's no fun cooking for yourself.