Quote Originally Posted by Oliver View Post
Leave NATO? great idea. The EU diplomats may be self-serving but those NATO generals are straight out of Doctor Strangelove.
Like it or not, you're happy NATO exists. Same type of thing as for example, there's loads I hate about the US, but I have to admit, I'm happy to see them as the world's super power. I'd much prefer them in that role than China.

Again, let's just hope this doesn't have a domino effect across the EU. I'm sure political factions across the EU, especially in places like Greece, Spain and Portugal are watching closely and are thinking, "well, maybe we should have a referendum too". Germany, UK, and France are leaders of the EU, so the UK leaving is probably going to have some reprecussions. Let's just hope those reprecussions aren't bad enough to make Russia and China jizz themselves.