It has become one of the most homophobic countries. Its HIV/AIDS prevention policy concentrates on treatment while neglecting recognised prevention methods such as sex education in schools and promoting condom use. Experts agree that the number of infections is soaring as a result.

Now Russia has banned Durex condoms. The company has a 25% market share in the country. The reason? “A bureaucratic issue regarding the products’ registration,” say the country’s health authorities. Not to worry, though. These same authorities add there are plenty of condoms available (well, there would be, if their use is not encouraged!) with 60 other brands on sale. And Durex could be back on the shelves - eventually.

So, yet another blow for gays in Russia where HIV positive rates are “at least 1 million and possibly as many as 1.5 million” according to the head of the country’s state AIDS centre. Russia now has more HIV cases per person than any other European country than Estonia. 57% of infections are as result of drug use. Russia has the largest number of intravenous drug users in the world according to the British medical journal, The Lancet.