Quote Originally Posted by fountainhall View Post
But to develop not just a quick fuck with your BF's best friend but an emotional attachment is utter madness. You blame the start on the drink. BS! You just thought it would be fun to take that drunken chance encounter further because you fancied the guy. Since then you have given zero thought to the effect on your relationship. You say you are going to have sex with the best friend when you return. But then you say you might dump him. So you show zero self-control. Which is it? More fucks - or thank you and good bye? Whatever you decide, you have shattered your BF's trust and it's up to you to rebuild that. If you don't, sorry to say he doesn't deserve you! If I were him, even after 12 years as your BF, I'd just pack up and leave! After all he has his residency papers, a job and therefore independence.
Hmm, it seems you have not understood my OP at all. The fuck has zero to do with it. After this encounter, we only had occasional contact. The attachment developed when we started chatting each and every day.