Quote Originally Posted by cdnmatt View Post
lol, exactly. I sure love people who complain, but never offer solutions, don't you?
I have spent the last 15 years doing web sites for a living, and while I don't consider myself an expert it is still easy to spot fundamental problems with a site. I am now retired and not really interested in spending the next few years trying to teach someone who is patently not interested about the fundamentals of web site design - even for 50% of this web site!

there are any number of courses and training materials available and some very well designed web sites to use as inspiration if Moses wants to improve some of the useless walls and foundations that he is currently building but first he may need to get over his opinion that he is already an expert.

but I certainly won't be bothering to offer any more comments on the design of the web site so you and he can rest easy
