So, after all the talk on the board about Bit coin and thew security of same I noticed the following news story doing the rounds today where Martin Shkreli ( the most hated man in America it seems and certainly the smuggest cunt one could ever come across it appears - and the guy who massively hiked the cost of AIDS medicines - so he "claims" that he's just been scammed out of $15m in Bitcoin by someone re his trying to buy the rights of the latest Kayne West album ( although why he'd want to bother is another whole story !?), but the whole story sounds like self promoting bullshit and there definitely sounds like there's more going on than meets the eye perhaps.

So Matt, ( as our seemingly sole in-house Bitcoin expert now as the other "expect" has moved on ( or got kicked out more like) any thoughts on the above, any "chatter" on this in the Bitcoin world as so far I see he's refusing to release any Bitcoin info that could prove the theft but it seems the amount of money involved is so large it may not be too hard to trace ( if the theft even happened that is).....any thoughts perhaps ??