I'm not an American. But as an observer, am I the only one sick and tired of a Presidential election campaign which has already lasted more than 6 months and still has more than a whoie 8 months to go? All to elect someone for a mere 4 years? I find the two party system results in a constant "I'm right!" "No, you're fucking wrong and I'm right" mentality that is just so boring. I find the amounts of money permitted to be spent utterly obscene and almost certainly corrupt. I find it amazing that as the number 1 economy with the most influence, good and bad, over the world, the country's foreign policy plays such an insignificant part of the debate when it is America along with it allies which has been responsible for the disastrous multi-decade policy in Vietnam and the even more disastrous multi-decade destabilisation of huge chunks of the Middle East.

I find it extraordinary that so many people are presently placing their faith in two men, the first of whom is a loud-mouth celebrity industrialist whose utterances indicate he knows precious little about politics and even less about international diplomacy, and the second of whom will be 75 by November and who, however admirable his policies, equally has almost zero experience in foreign affairs. Yet both would have their fingers on the nuclear trigger.

Americans clearly have the right to whichever electoral system they want. Why I get pissed off is that every single news and comment programme on international media channels forces this down non-Americans throats. I can't help comparing this with the British system where the electoral period is merely a matter of a couple of months or so, where each candidate is legally able to spend less than around $50,000 and political parties for the most recent election spent less than $50 million.

Please, give us a break!