Frankly, it has more info for the gay traveller - understandably the younger gay traveller - than any of the existing Thailand-based forums.
There's the difference. Both boards cater to a totally different demographic; this one to the...errr.....more experienced gay man and tends to focus on paid sexual encounters. Hence, we have posts here about tips and where to find money boys.

The boards catering to a younger crowd are all about where to meet sexual partners where no money changes hands.

There will always be plenty of guys who find they are at an age now where they have to pay. We all reach that stage sooner or later. And I think this board caters pretty well for them. So I don't see the demise of this board in the near future. Older members die off but there are lots of guys coming up behind them to take their place.

The board just needs to find an avenue where it can advertise to these older guys. That's the only way membership will increase.