I posted recently about the foolish girl who was so engrossed in her mobile phone that the lift doors opened, closed and left her behind. You'll know the song and of course fools did rush in: "you think the world revolves around you" trumpeted Surfcrest. Richard (aka. Brad the Impala) and Jonah (aka. a447) weren't far behind. All fabulous stuff and justifying my practice of Dadaism (Dadaists among other things regard taking oneself seriously as the ultimate sin). I'm interested only in having fun and if that's at, for example, Surfcrest's, Richard or Jonah's expense, all the better :AR!

However, I digress. The NY Times columnist David Brooks has published a book on the narcissism of our age: The Road to Character. Did you know that the percentage of American teenagers who believe themselves to be "very important" jumped from 12 percent in 1950 to 80 percent in 2005? Me neither. Reviews can be found here and here

I particularly like the headline in the second review "You are not special". Perhaps Brooks should have made a study of a447 for this book. Remember that this is a Forum where very, very few of us know each other in day-to-day life, in the flesh. Our reputations are meaningless - or at least mine is to me. Yet a447 started and devoted an entire thread to "me me me". And what was it about? People he's never met and never will meet could think him the sort of person who might go on holiday with me. Zounds. Surely that's the wrong question? Why would I trouble myself letting someone like him tag along? Yet I did! =))

And then to cap it all, once Surfcrest like the reluctant bride was dragged kicking and screaming to the altar of an amendment to the Posting Guidelines (the "Sook" Amendment), after protesting (multiple times) "It's not about kommentariat" in his "me me me" thread, a447 turned it around and it became "all about kommentariat" culminating in this classic piece of complete humourlessness:
Satirical posts by one poster about another without his permission should be banned
You couldn't make it up