For many years (as far back as 1999) I always stayed at the Welcome Plaza as it was so central for BT, the room tariff was very good, bellboys were fun to joke with, and never a joiner charge etc...

But gradually the rooms became progessively tatty (the bathrooms being the worst with mould on the grouting and seals - and leaking ceiling, toilet bowl, and bath making the floor positively dangerous)

So...I decamped to Sansuk guesthouse and latterly the Mercure.

Good news!! Apparently a re-vamp has taken place and the rooms look really good, according to:


The prices are still very good value and I am considering trying WP again on my next trip - in early 2016 (no doubt MiniMee will now cream in his dry goods).

So, my question is - does anybody know (or can do a reconnaisance to find out) if ALL the rooms have been refurbished or just a few. Also I notice that there is a solitary image of the bathrooms and it's pretty inconclusive, so....have they done the bathrooms?

Yes, I know I could send an email - but I have no confidence that the reply would reflect reality.

If anybody has stayed there recently or if there is someone in Pattaya with time on their hands who could take a would be very helpful.