Just came back from a wonderful trip in Thailand . I met on one of the Phuket bars a 19 YO Thai boy and we had a wonderful time for the last week of my trip took him with me to
Pattaya . the moment we met he immediately wanted us to be together , he always hold my hand outside , never wanted us to be separate even for a second ,always said that he like me
very much the only problem that his English is very bad but we manage to communicate through his mobile translation software . he wanted me to visit his mother house in Isaan but I couldn't because I had a flight back to my home and there wasn't enough time . he wants to come and leave with me quit his job at the bar but it is very difficult to obtain a visa for a Thai citizen to my country and I am a little bit confused too I feel that I have strong feelings for him but I think that the big gap between the Thai culture to the western and the long geographic distance between us will not enable to establish a serious relationship . we are in touch since I came back to my home and he have to go back to his work on the bar although he didn't clearly want to . I am really confused and doesn't know what to do . Someone has similar experience ? any thoughts what to do ?