For New Years weekend, I told the BF he could invite two of his friends for a trip to Kanchanaburi. Plans were made on Dec 15th, and that was too late for any of the river resorts, I had to go with all I could find, two rooms at the River Kwai Hotel on the main street.

I convinced everyone that the train from Noi Bangkok would be fun. There are two departures, on at 730 and another at 1430. The 730 departure was quickly vetoed. The station in BKK has some interesting history but is no longer in operation, it sets in runes on the river and they use one just out of walking distance from the river that used to be an the first stop.

The two invited friends turned out to be three, with the third saying he would sleep on the floor. The Thai price was 25B and Farang 100B. There is a sign in English the station, "Now Everyone Pay 100B to Kanchanaburi. Then in Thai under that, is listed the Thai price using Thai script for 25 baht.

I loved the train but the boys though it was low class. The seats are wood but there's plenty of room and lots to see. Food vendors at every stop and sites you don't see from a bus, mini van or a car. The boys were unimpressed and most of them slept most of the journey. I seemed to be the only farang on this train and caught the attention of several children whom I treated to some coconut ice cream from one of the vendors.

We arrived at the station and I had a map of where the hotel was located and suggested we walk. Everyone looked at me like I had said something crazy and even the touts trying to get us to come with them though I was joking. I did get them to walk to the street where we took a songtow the short distance to the hotel.

The River Kwai Hotel is on the main road, next to a huge straight massage facility. I had reserved two room and added a roll away for the extra guest. The hotel had a nice pool facility that we used every day and the rooms were clean and adequate. Everyone was happy with the rooms and delighted that the hotel is attached to a Disco. One of many discos in Kanchanaburi.

Discos attached to hotels are common in Thailand. If your a light sleeper, forget sleep until it's closed at 2am. I used ear plugs but the bass still came though the walls and floor. The hotel was not full even though it was a holiday weekend. At 1,500 per room it might be too expensive for some Thais and too noisy for farangs.

Breakfast was included and that was not half bad, about par with the Pinnacle.

I had planed on renting a car and drive to Erawan, The BF asked at the hotel and I was told that there were no cars for hire available, it's a busy holiday weekend but they could arrange a van and a driver. I suspected that this information was bogus but rather than look for a car on my own, I agreed to the van and driver for 1,500 for the day. I am not that fond of driving and the price was within my budget.

Getting everyone up at 0900 was not the chore I though it was after a night in the disco. They were all excited about going to Erawan. The excitement lasted for about the first 15 minuets of the trip then everyone went to sleep, including the driver whom I had to shove every now and then.

The driver insisted on stopping at a small new museum across from the cemetery. I protested knowing that it was a rip off but the driver convinced the boys that this stop was worthwhile. I noticed he was none too shy about getting his commission/kick back from our 60b each entrance fees.

I knew that the boys would not be interested in the history of the death railroad and it was my intention to skip over these hyped tourist oriented venues. I had been to all of them before and with the exception of the one at hellfire pass, they are not worth the time and money.

We arrived at Erawan, picked up all the picnic supplies and laden with ice, mats and more food than we would be able to eat, set off into the park. The boys had to take photos at the entrance sign and at every other photo opportunity along the path.

It was on the busy side and it took some time to find a spot to set out the mat. We found a spot at level three. There were only Thai having picnics, farangs were here and there but neither eating or swimming in the water.

Two of the boys immediately took to the water as the rest set up and prepared the food. We turns swimming with someone staying with at the picnic site. Swimming in the falls with the fishes is great fun. Curiously, a lot of Thais go swimming wearing all their clothes on shoes included.
We all had bathing attire.

We started packing up and I pointed to the level three storage station where we could put all of our supplies and hike up to the remaining 4 levels. There was a debate on this idea, what no motocy taxi? They agreed to give it a shot.

I was amused at how out of shape these 20 something Thai boys, not an ounce of fat, were huffing and puffing there way up the trail. They were not in the least embarrassed that some one twice their age was making out fine. The whining began at level 5 and one of the boys without an announcement just gave up and started back down. The other followed me but just before level 6, gave up and wanted to go back.

We got back to the parking lot, found the van and woke up the driver. We then went to Wat Tham Mangkok and Seua cave but one of the boys stayed in the van too tired to move. A few more stops at scenic sights, everyone was ready to call it a day.

For dinner, the boys consulted with motocy drivers and songtow drivers and we went to three different picturesque restaurants on the river. I can't give you the names, all had only signs and menus in Thai. The food was great and inexpensive.

Kanchanaburi has these strange floating discos/restaurants and from the river bank restaurants you can see them being pulled up and down the river. I noticed only farangs on the boats. Thais go to the land based discos, I assumed it was a price thing.

When we entered the Disco at the hotel, I could not believe the lack of talent on the stage. I then discovered it was disco karaoke night, you could just line up and you get to sing with the live band trying to accompany you. After an hour of this, I was out of there, but the boys though this was great but none were willing to go on stage. They all stayed until closing.

I agreed not to subject them to a return via the train and we took the VIP bus out of the main bus station for about 100B per person, farang and Thai prices were the same. The AC/VIP bus to Bangkok is not really in the main station but in a separate office to the right of the bus station.
The bus does save about an hour on the trip vrs.. the train but is cramped. There is AC but it's still stuffy and I much prefer the open windows on a train. The bus was mostly Thais and they pulled all the curtains closed if so much if a single dim ray of sunlight came through.

The boys told me that it was an excellent trip and they wanted to do it all again next year.