So, whilst clearing out some old saved bookmarks earlier I came across a link which I must have saved at one point for what is the now totally defunct board - and it just reminded me of that whole saga and it made me think back and wonder what WAS all that about ?! Was as it was claimed at the time simply it a genuine attempt by someone new to create a new board and nothing more than that, or was it perhaps one of the old hands from one of the existing boards having a go at establishing their own board, or was it as many suspected at the time good old Neal Bernard just stirring the shit and thus doing what he tended to do best perhaps ??

From what I recall at the time when the board appeared there were many detailed and point blank denials from Neal that he was involved or had anything to do with the board but if I recall correctly he then changed his story and suggested that well he "might" have been involved at the start or perhaps owned the domain name or something ( as we all know how much he liked to buy up and try to control board via their domain names :-) but that he'd then he sold the name / board on to some other guys who had then let him down and were he believed ending up using that domain for something totally different ( porn perhaps he thought) and he said thought they were "stupid" / crazy and that wanted nothing more to with them after that and told them how disappointed he was in them not carrying the project through etc ( or am I getting that confused with his other board - there were so many !? :-)).

But I see on clicking on the boards URL that the site is in fact still there, albeit unused since November 2013 or so it seems, but it certainly hasn't used for porn etc as Neal had suggested ? ( again if I'm remembering things correctly ?).

So, purely out of nosiness and as I believe enough time has passed now that it doesn't matter to anyone I was just wondering did anyone EVER actually get to the bottom of what that whole thing was about or was that indeed just yet another one of Neals attempts a derailing things in general like his other bullshit failed "gentleman board" and the various bitch board ownerships etc that he'd lied about owning for so long etc so much about until he was rumbled or like I say WAS it just a genuine attempt by someone at starting another board perhaps ??