Well now playmates its been a long time since I posted but I've been back hear from the beginning of December so I thought I give yous all my update specially as some people no names have hijacked my previous thread for there own vendetttas.

As you know Thailand has now had happiness restored and there is no need for protests any more.

There are some important differences between my last post on protests in April and now:
* Before the Army sat on its hands and refused to support the elected government while various rednecks protested without end and distrupted normal life in Bangkok. Now the Army is the unelected government and expects everyone else to sit on there hands and especially not to make the boy scout salute nor read certain books and eat sandwiches in public.

* Before the rednecks protested about the wicked economic policies of the nasty nasty Mrs Yingluck because those policies would line the pockets of her Red Shirt supporters and maybe bankrupt the nation. Now the Army has announced their support SORRY re-launched those same policies because those policies will line the pockets of thier Yellow Shirt supporters and maybe bankrupt the nation but more importantly be enormously valuable to the shareholders of Siam Cement who will remain nameless.

* Before elections were a bad thing because the majority kept re-electing the Shinawatras. Now elections aka. opinion polls are a good thing because the ones run by the Armys pet pollsters show that possibly even a majority of those asked support the Army's rule.

Under the Army's happy rule GDP growth is not expected to exceed 1% or as someone from the government has been quoted eg. Bangkok Post yesterday "is so small I cant measure it". But everyones happy especially the banks who been lending with there ears back to whoever wants to borrwo for new cars and condos and anything else and now find there struggling to pay back the loan. Lots of empty shops especially in new office blocks near where Im staying and of course the whole Roibinsons complex on the corner of Silom and Rama IV rmemeber the boys you could pick up in Dairy Queen and McDonalds its all boarded up with brown paper no sign of life.

But everybodys HAPPY oh so HAPPY