What I would say to Zinzone is this:

If you truly believe that another "gay forum" is bring used as a "paedophile exchange" (which I find incredibly hard to believe - but as you do not give details, how are we to judge), then surely your first action should be to stop going there. Your second action (should you be VERY sure you're 100% correct) might be to inform the IWF or other authorities.

Either of those actions might be reasonable - but you have not indicated that you have taken either of them.

What I would suggest is NOT reasonable is to come on to SGT, decline to name the site in question (thus smearing all gay forums) and just bitch about it.

Then, after smearing every other gay forum with those accusations of being a "paedophile exchange"' to also complain about OTHER people's posts as bring potentially defamatory, just makes me chuckle.

Of course, it is up to Surfcrest where he wants to go with that sort of thing - but I think most people on SGT have, over the last few years, had a bellyful of inter-board wars and talk of defamation and libel

Just sayin' like
