... ing-hitler

"An opening scene from the just-released "Thai Values" film created at the instruction of junta chief Gen. Prayuth Chan-ocha to promote his conservative social values rapidly veers from "wow" to "WTF" with a scene depicting smiling children putting the final touches on a rather stunning portrait of Der F├╝hrer.
The original video posted to YouTube was removed today, as first noticed by Khaosod English, but a copy remains available online.

The film, called "Thai Niyom," was screened for free at theaters throughout the kingdom on Saturday.
It was born of the "12 Values" championed by Prayuth, who seized power in a May coup and has since sought to lead the countrry as an authoritarian father figure. He's ordered schools to display his values publically and start the day by having students sing them in verse. "

"(Thailand amazed the world in 2011 with this Nazi-themed school parade in Chiang Mai province.)"

I really like where he orders schools to display them and
and have students sing them daily.