Singapore is mostly referred to about its anti-gay laws...yet it is, and always has been, maybe the hottest place in Asia. Back in the 70's the action along Orchard Rd [inside the shopping centres] was a constant, now that seems to have spread to just about any public building or railway station on the island, and according to my young Singapore friends at every change/shower room at swimming pools and parks where people go to in the shower seems always on?

The building next to Macca's at the bottom of Pagoda St in Chinatown is amazing, three of its floors house about 300 play station consoles, the constant stream of boys to the facilities [particularly in Basement 1] is amazing, and 1 in 20 do not mind a quick HJ. Eye candy for everyone, even the straightest do not mind showing you what they have got....very suburban working class but who cares.

Reminds me a bit of Sydney back in the 60's when all was illegal there too, but everyone did it, just no one talked about all is out in the open very different! you have to label yourself as black or white?