Besides the Scottish referendum to be held tomorrow (18 September) another leading story currently on the British TV news and in newspapers is the deaths of two British tourists on Koh Tao, a 23 year old woman and a 24 year old man. They were found naked and beaten to death on a rocky shore around 100m from the scene of a beach party. This has prompted a lot of stories about Thailand in the British media.

Whilst listening to a radio phone-in show this morning, the subject of Thailand was raised. One caller say that he had travelled to Thailand several times and had spoken to many expats. He then went on to describe them as тАЬA bunch of wrong тАШuns and losers.тАЭ тАЬPeopleтАЭ he said, тАЬwho were all on the run for something or hiding from something.тАЭ Another caller, a young backpacker, said тАЬThere was too much prostitution, both overt and covert, which he found hard to avoid, as it was everywhere.тАЭ The radio presenter then said he had holidayed in Thailand last year with his family and said he тАЬFound something very unsettling about seeing see old foreign men hanging out with young Thai girls, who were clearly prostitutes.тАЭ He then went on to talk about western men exploiting Thais and wondered if older Thais resented these type of people coming in their country. Other callers тАШphoned in to say this was broadly their experience of visiting Thailand.

What do members of this forum think? Were the callers right or wrong? Discuss.