You'll find plenty of confirmation that I've EVER been to Thailand, on this very board, going back 7 or 8 years - what a ridiculous thing to say. All that has changed during that time is that for the last year or two, with a nutter around, I have (wisely) declined to keep this board informed of any further trips to Thailand - and even when I report on trips elsewhere I change dates and certain details. I rather suspect there are several SGT posters who wish they had done likewise - and avoided having their personal details and photographs revealed to all and sundry. Why should I potentially put myself in that position? Of course, maybe you support the nutter, I don't know.

To answer your questions (assuming there's a YES vote):

YES, YES, YES, IF NECESSARY, YES, YES, YES, NO (like any normal country there will undoubtedly be problems along the way - but at least we shall be in charge of what we do about them).

What the Scottish people have to understand is that for one day (and for the first time ever) - on 18th September 2014 - they hold their sovereignty in their own hands. At the end of that day they will have voted either to keep it, gain some self respect, and move forward as an equal partner in the World - or to give it away and remain subservient to the interests of the South East of England.
If it's the latter, they should be in no doubt that the backlash from the UK will be substantial and devastating, and that with Milliband now matching Cameron's commitment to an in/out EU referendum, Scotland (as part of the UK) will be out of the EU -the ultimate irony of your current argument.