Mr Scotty. The only chips I have are those served with fish. I believe you attacked the English policy on immigration. However, millions have entered England over the last ten years or so and are entitled to all the benefits so that seems quite generous to me.

The only conjecture I mentioned was your head of state. Everything else (the currency, the EU membership) is a matter of public record. It would be very strange for an Independent Scotlnd to use the pound without a formal currency union, which all three Westminster parties say you won't get. A bit like a teenager demanding independence and pocket money at the same time.

And if other posters are unaware of Scotlands' contribution to the world thenI wouldn't bother trying to educate them. Just as Englands' contribution is immeasurable, which I am sure you would agree with, though perhaps through clenched teeth. (And a deep fried Mars Bar )